Installation : Antwerp FATI Installation : Antwerp FATI

General Informations

Antwerp FATI

biodiversity climate change climate extremes crops grassland plant ecology precipitation changes soil ecology warming


University of Antwerp


University of Antwerp


About installation
The Antwerp FATI is a platform to experimentally simulate the impact on ecosystems of future precipitation regimes, climate-warming and especially climate extremes such as intense droughts, flooding and heat waves (e.g. temperatures up to 10 °C above ambient). By using infrared heaters and automated rainout shelters in combination with programmable irrigation, the system can simulate such extreme events in the open air, in twelve 7 m² plots, under natural light and wind. Each plot can contain one large mesocosm unit, or many smaller ones in separate containers. In total, > 300 individual and independent experimental units can be maintained simultaneously. The automated measurements provided are: air micro-climate (air temperature, air relative humidity, incoming and outgoing radiation, wind speed, soil microclimate, canopy temperature with fixed infrared camera's that can distinguish individual containers.



Scientific domain

  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Biological & Medical Sciences
  • Earth and Environmental Sciences
  • Natural Sciences

Scientific SubDomain

  • Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries
  • Agronomy,Forestry and Plant Breeding Centres
  • Biological Sciences
  • Earth & Related Environmental Sciences
  • Environmental Biotechnology
  • Environmental Health Research Facilities
  • Environmental Management Infrastructures
  • Microbiology

Hans De Boeck Senior scientist +322651714
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