Installation : Boreal Forest Regeneration platform Installation : Boreal Forest Regeneration platform

General Informations

Boreal Forest Regeneration platform


Natural Resources Institute Finland


Natural Resources Institute Finland


About installation
Boreal Forest regeneration platform (BoFoReg) is the only research nursery in the Northern Europe focusing on tree seedling production. It provides state of art facilities for studying the effects of abiotic and biotic factors on boreal tree species in the early phases of forest regeneration chain in controlled conditions, and for finding risk management methods related to the anthropogenic pressures. The major research themes include adaptation of processes along forest regeneration chain to climate change and changing operational environment, development of non-chemical plant protection methods and testing of sustainable growth media. Facilities include different growth facilities (greenhouses, seedling line, climate chambers with adjustable LEDs, freezing test chambers and a temperature-controlled room), and well-equipped laboratories for various purposes (plant physiology, molecular biology, tissue culturing, microscopy, soil studies, seed studies). 


List of services


Scientific domain

Scientific SubDomain

Submit a project
If you are interested in using our service, please send us a proposal for a project