TERRA-ECOTRON is composed of 6 rooms (12 in near future) in which agro-ecosystems (plant, soil and roots) can grow under controlled climatic variables (solar radiation, air temperature and humidity, precipitation, CO2 and O3 concentration). There is a large hole in the rooms’ floors to insert the surface of the lysimeter filled with soil and on which 2 m² of vegetation (max 2m high) can be positioned. The lysimeters are 1.5 m deep to allow roots development as in natural conditions. Soil water potential and temperature are also conditioned at the bottom of the lysimeter to replicate the natural situation. The instrumental device allow the automatic temporal monitoring of several quantities like: soil temperature, water content and matric potential vertical profiles; amount of water leached, net fluxes of gases (CO2, H2O, N2O) and sensible heat from the ecosystem. The water samples coming from leaching and suction cups at different depths can be analyzed to quantify its quality