Installation : Root laboratory (Joensuu dasotrons) Installation : Root laboratory (Joensuu dasotrons)

General Informations

Root laboratory (Joensuu dasotrons)

bionmass and carbon allocation climate change environmental conditions indoor experiments plant ecophysiology plant stress roots soil temperature


Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)


Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)


About installation
The Joensuu root laboratory is platform for studying the effects of environmental conditions on above- and belowground plant processes, especially in the context of climate change. The platform consists of four walk-in growth rooms and six growing containers in each growth room. The soil temperature and moisture in the growing containers can be controlled independently from those of the air. Light conditions can be also controlled, as well. The annual cycle can be accelerated and typically, 2.5 growing seasons can be conducted within one calendar year. Soil conditions are recorded at three depths and a water table can be maintained. Plant measurements include a large variety of morphological, anatomical, physiological, and phenological parameters. A special feature is a minirhizotron camera for studying root growth. The platform has been used mostly for studying plants in environmental stress conditions, like responses of boreal forest trees to soil frost or water-logged soil.



Scientific domain

  • Natural Sciences
  • Other

Scientific SubDomain

  • Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries
  • Biological Sciences

Timo Domisch Timo Domisch +358 295325367
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