Installation : Lakkasuo-Siikaneva Peatland Experiment Installation : Lakkasuo-Siikaneva Peatland Experiment

General Informations

Lakkasuo-Siikaneva Peatland Experiment


University of Eastern Finland


University of Eastern Finland


About installation
Lakkasuo-Siikaneva peatland experiment consists of two nearby peatland research sites located in proximity of Hyytiälä Research Station. Lakkasuo is an eccentric raised mire complex with exceptionally large diversity in ecohydrology, peatland site types, and vegetation. Lakkasuo has three water level manipulations: 1. Forestry drainage started in 1960’s, 2. Water level drawdown simulating climate change impact established in 2000. 3. Factorial experiment of water level drawdown and warming with open top chambers, established in 2008. Siikaneva is a large pristine peatland complex situated circa 7 km from Lakkasuo. The two intensive study sites in Siikaneva represent an open fen and an open bog enabling comparison of the main boreal peatland types. Both in Lakkasuo and Siikaneva biodiveristy, biogeochemical cycles and vegetation–soil–atmosphere interactions are studied both experimentally and with long-term observations.


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