Installation : Experimental station Domaninek - Open top chamber facility Installation : Experimental station Domaninek - Open top chamber facility

General Informations

Experimental station Domaninek - Open top chamber facility


Global Change Research Institute CAS


Global Change Research Institute CAS


About installation
Experimental station Domaninek - Open top chamber facility represents a multifactorial, fully automated experimental platform allowing manipulation of the following factors: CO2 concentration, water availability (precipitation elimination/irrigation), temperature (passive heating during lamella closure), UV radiation (ambient UV/UV exclusion) in combination with nitrogen availability, different genotypes or management (subplots in each open top chamber), allowing the evaluation of complex interactions of multiple factors. The infrastructure consists of a total of 24 open-top chambers allowing 3 factors to be studied at a time in 2 levels and 3 replicates with 2 additional factors within the suplot within the chambers. The control is done using custom-developed software based on feedback control of CO2 concentration, temperature, and precipitation using CO2 analyzers, soil moisture sensors, temperature, air humidity sensors, and a rain gauge.


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