Installation : Ecotron IleDeFrance - Ecolabs platform Installation : Ecotron IleDeFrance - Ecolabs platform

General Informations

Ecotron IleDeFrance - Ecolabs platform


Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique


Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique


About installation
The Ecolab is a modular structure coupling together three environmental chambers and one laboratory room (see Figure 1 below). Each environmental chamber (13 m3 and 5 m2 ) can be independently controlled accurately for realistic climate and atmospheric conditions (air temperature and humidity, air CO2, O3 and O2 content, plasma and LED lighting). A mesocosm (1 m3 ) with temperature-control on three independent levels makes it possible to incubate natural or artificial ecosystems. This mesocosm can host both terrestrial and aquatic organisms and ecosystems (see specification table below for more technical details). A set of 5 Ecolabs are available on site, which makes up a total of 18 fully independent, environmental chambers for replicated experiments.


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