Our facilities allow the evaluation of methane potential of biomass and waste streams (m3 of CH4/ton of organic matter, kinetics, etc.). The potential of intermediate crops (that improve the quality of soils and increase the storage of carbon in soils) as feedstock for anaerobic digesters can also be studied.
- Pre-treatment pilots for biodegradability improvement;
- Anaerobic digesters (1L to 100L) adapted to agro & agri-food residues for digestate production in controlled conditions and online monitoring;
- Mobile equipment for anaerobic digestions studies on field;
- Bench-scale compost reactors (1L to 10L) in controlled conditions and online monitoring;
- Analytic platform for digestate characterization: Kjeldahl, CHON elemental analysis, NIR, 3D fluorescence spectroscopy, ISBaMO® (Organic Matter Bio-accessibility Index);
- Digestate phase-separation post-treatment, dewatering and concentration equipment.