The infrastructure comprises several core analytical equipment and a variety of equipment and laboratories for sample preparation and bio-assaying in order to assess quality of agricultural products.
Among the core equipment belongs 500 MHz NMR Bruker AVANCE III, and separation instrumentation with high resolution mass spectrometers GC-QTOF, LC-QTOF, MALDI-TOF. Sample extraction and preparation is done by supercritical fluid extraction unit Applied Separation SPEED SFE HELIX, multipurpose centrifuge evaporators and preparative HPLC Agilent 1260 Infinity. For specific purposes pipetting robot Tecan Freedom EVO and multi-plate readers e. g. Bio-Tek CYTATION III could be used. The infrastructure also includes a specialised Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry equipped with HPLC and ICP-MS, analysers for macro and micro-nutrients and a comprehensive evaluation of the nutritional quality of food