Calliope is a pool-type gamma irradiation facility equipped with a Co-60 radioisotopic source, combined with: a dosimetry laboratory, a characterization lab devoted to the investigation of gamma radiation effects induced in different materials and device (UV-VIS-NIR and FTIR spectrophotometers, luminescence and thermoluminescence measurements, ESR spectrometer), and a climatic chamber. The Calliope plant is the only European research facility owing such a high volume (7.0x6.0x3.9 m3) shielded cell, allowing irradiation tests at different dose rate values at the same time. At the emitted energy value (1.25 MeV), the irradiated material is not activated and it can be safely manipulated immediately after the end of the irradiation. The irradiation tests can be performed in special environmental atmospheres (such as vacuum, gas mixtures other than air) or at different temperatures and with a remote monitoring and acquisition.