The Experimental Facility for Cattle (EFC) allows conducting studies addressing the interaction between animals and the environment including feed. The Holstein dairy cow herd at FBN comprises 80 heads. Cows are normally kept under loose housing conditions in a barn equipped with feeding bins. The EFC is further equipped with a scale to measure the body mass of the animals up to 1000 kg, a Climate Room, a Physiology Room and 4 Respiration Chambers. The Climate Room contains two tied-stall places for cattle and can be used for studying adaptation to environmental heat or cold as the temperature can be controlled between 0 to 30°C. For studying emissions released with excretions or for balance studies, the Physiology Room for cattle provides six tied-stall places, which can be used, among others, for quantitative collections of urine and faeces. Furthermore, the 4 Respiration Chambers are available for continuous measurements of gaseous CO2, CH4 and NH3 emissions, and O2 consumption.