Austrian BioImaging/CMI is a consortium comprising eight prominent universities and institutions in Austria. It serves as a multi-sited, multimodality node, granting access to over 40 imaging technologies, diverse support facilities, and biomedical imaging informatics. Austrian BioImaging/CMI offers two notable technologies:
- The PHENOPlant phenotyping platform for non-invasive, morphometric, and physiological high-throughput phenotyping of mid-size crop plants as well as Arabidopsis. This system is fully integrated into a state-of-the-art walk-in phytotron providing highly homogeneous plant growth conditions and facilitates precise environmental (live) simulations across different climate zones as well as controlled plant stress experiments. Sensors include multi-excitation PAM kinetic chlorophyll fluorescence, RGB, VNIR/SWIR hyperspectral, thermal and 3D.
- HREM: This imaging method proves particularly valuable in generating high-resolution volume data from organic materials.