The Analitical System installation is located at CIHEAM Bari and includes 3 laboratories of 800 m2 of total surface.
1) Plant pathology laboratory performs identification of fruit and vegetables diseases: viruses, virus-like agents, viroids, bacteria, fungi, and phytoplasmas, included in quarantine and non-quarantine lists, in compliance with technical protocols recognised at national and European level. The laboratory is certified by regional authorities for disease diagnostic testing (e.g. Xylella fastidiosa, Erwinia amylovora, CTV, PPV).
2) Laboratory for agricultural and environmental chemistry performs soil, food, water for agricultural, fertilisers, biomasses analysis mainly physical, chemical and biochemical.
3) Laboratory of soil hydrology and environmental monitoring and plant ecophysiology investigates the mechanisms of water, nutrient and contaminant transports in the column systems with the use of conventional and saline water.