Advanced environmental solutions for resource recovery from waste and by-products (industrial, urban, agro/agri-food).
The Bio2E (Environmental Biotechnology & Bioengineering) platform of the LBE can serve as a partner or as service provider with different actors, concerned by bio-waste treatment and/or dealing with environmental issues.
Expertise: Anaerobic digestion - Biological waste-water treatment – Biomass pre-treatments -Fermentation (Bio-H2, Bio-hythane) - Microbial Ressource Management - Biofilms and Bioelectrochemistry - Sanitary risk evaluation & control - Modelling, Instrumentation & control.
Our services and state-of-the-art facilities are open to all scientific, academic and industrial communities. It supports innovation projects from proof of concept testing through process demonstration (scale-up or scale-down) to technology transfer and supports research-based training. ATI Technology Center.
doi: 10.15454/1.557234103446854E12.