Controlled environmental system (CES) installations is provided by CIHEAM Bari and includes:
1) Insectarium rearing chambers for raring of parasitic species (e.g. Bactrocerae oleae, Ceratitis capitata, Planococcus ficus, Drosophila suzukii, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, Philenus spumarius, Aleurocanthus spiniferus);
2) Facility for testing fo the efficacy of Plant Protection Products;
3) Glasshouses, greenhouses, poly-tunnels, screen houses, shades, insect-proof screen-houses, mother blocks tunnels, chambers, storage rooms capable to monitor and manipulate environmental conditions, such water/nutrient supply (amount, frequency, location), light (intensity, spectral range, photoperiod), humidity, temperature, atmospheric gas composition, inducing biotic and abiotic stresses.
4) This installation hosts a Plant Pathogens collection.