Service : Dairy Research Centre - virtual studies Service : Dairy Research Centre - virtual studies

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General Informations

Dairy Research Centre - virtual studies

Data from the Langhill dairy experiment - extensive records from two genetic lines managed under to feeding managements
animal behaviour animal breeding animal welfare dairy cow feed efficiency feed intake genetics milk composition milk production phenotypes







About Service

The Dairy Research and Innovation Centre aims to develop sustainable breeding and management systems for dairy cows. In addition to work on productivity, health and welfare our work increasingly considers the carbon footprint, biodiversity and soil health aspects of dairy production.




The Centre has 600 cows in two units based on a 252-hectare site. Scientific equipment includes automated milk recording through either herringbone parlours or robot milking systems; individual recording of feed and water intakes; automated weighing; greenhouse gas studies; and a range of precision livestock tools including thermal imaging, accelerometer-based activity monitors and rumen boluses. Linkage with field, soil, weather and herbage records is an important strength for many projects. Most of the land is sown as grass for grazing and silage, but several other crops are grown to meet the needs of different experiments, for example beans, wheat and forage maize. Dairy systems research is performed with the Langhill pedigree herd, selected since 1970 as a high genetic merit line and a control line for production of milk solids. These cattle are managed on two distinctly different management systems, with comparisons designed to both challenge the genetic potential of the different genetic lines and test innovative concepts in dairy systems. There is an extensive database incorporating all animal performance, fertility and health records, as well as field records. The units are supported by 9 farm staff and 4 research technicians.


Specific informations

The detailed recording from the Langhill study (50-year database; current recording and planned extension of automated sensor recording from these animals) offers many opportunities for a diverse range of add-on projects – from lameness detection through to proxies for feed efficiency and methane emissions. This is the basis of the virtual access offered through Transnational Access in AgroServ.


Scientific domain

  • Agricultural Sciences

Scientific SubDomain

  • Animal & Dairy Sciences
Target Users :
Research Groups, Research Networks, Research Projects, Researchers
Access Type :
Access Mode :
Peer Reviewed

Richard Dewhurst Richard Dewhurst - SRUC

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