Service : IMEV - Quantitative Imaging Platform of Villefranche sur mer Service : IMEV - Quantitative Imaging Platform of Villefranche sur mer

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General Informations

IMEV - Quantitative Imaging Platform of Villefranche sur mer

quantitative imaging, particularly for marine plankton studies through FlowCAM, ZooScan and UVP
flowcam imaging marine biology marine ecology







IMEV - Institut de la Mer de Villefranche

About Service

The Villefranche-sur-Mer Oceanologique Observatory is specialised in Quantitative Imaging, particularly plankton. The FlowCAM, ZooScan and UVP are available for users.

Specific informations

The Quantitative Imaging Platform (PIQv) is part of the Institut de la Mer de Villefranche sur mer (IMEV). The platform is also part of EMBRC France and labelled GIS IBISA via the MICCA platform.

The PIQv was created by engeeners and researchers from Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche-sur-Mer (LOV) and keeps being piloted by the COMPLEx team of LOV.

The platform employs taxonomists and instrument/software specialists to offer the best quality of services using laboratory and underwater imaging instrument and software.

The PIQv runs tools permitting to characterize and identify objects/organisms from 20µm to few cm (FlowCam, Zooscan, UVP5 and UVP6). It will soon host the IFCB imaging system permitting to lower the size down to few µm.



Scientific domain

  • Biological & Medical Sciences
  • Earth and Environmental Sciences
  • Natural Sciences

Scientific SubDomain

  • Biological Sciences
  • Earth & Related Environmental Sciences
  • Environmental Biotechnology
Target Users :
Businesses, Funders, Innovators, Policy Makers, Provider Managers, Providers, Publishers, Research Communities, Research Groups, Research Infrastructure Managers, Research Managers, Research Networks, Research Organisations, Research Projects, Researchers, Resource Managers, Students
Access Type :
Physical, Remote
Access Mode :

EMBRC-France Liaison Officer -

Submit a project
If you are interested in using our service, please send us a proposal for a project