Service : PhenoToul Service : PhenoToul

Info !

ISIA will be down during the whole day of 10 september due to a maintenance. Thanks for your comprehension.
General Informations


installation adapted for the joint analysis of biotic stresses with drought
controlled environment drought emphasis field phenotyping plant phenotyping yield


INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse


INRAE Touluse, France




About Service

Installation for high-throughput phenotyping that allows the automated management of drought scenarios and monitoring of plants throughout their life cycles for species such as sunflower, wheat, maize, soybean and pea. The outdoor installation is equipped with a robot moving between plants growing in 15-L pots monitors the plant water status and phenotypes the leaf or whole-plant morphology. Field site with a sensor network characterizes micrometeorological conditions and soil water content every hour. Imaging is performed via the phenomobile of Phenome Emphasis and UAVs (two hexacopters). The phenomobile allows precise measurement of the vertical distribution of leaf area or ear number, together with multispectral measurements for functional imaging in a range of species with a throughput of 100-200 microplots per hour. It is equipped with a LiDAR, multispectral cameras and high-resolution visible cameras, with active illumination that rend imaging independent of natural light. Imaging with UAVs involves multiple images in the visible and near infrared spectra for measurements such as canopy height and indices such as NDVI.

Specific informations


Scientific domain

  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Earth and Environmental Sciences

Scientific SubDomain

  • Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries
  • Agronomy,Forestry and Plant Breeding Centres
Target Users :
Research Groups, Researchers
Access Type :
Access Mode :
Free Conditionally

Nicolas Langlade -

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