Service : Integrated assessment of benefits and socioecological trade-offs of agroecological transitions Service : Integrated assessment of benefits and socioecological trade-offs of agroecological transitions

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General Informations

Integrated assessment of benefits and socioecological trade-offs of agroecological transitions

Integrated assessment of benefits and socio-ecological trade-offs of agroecological transitions
Agrifood value chain Agroecological transition Green Deal targets Integrated assessment Living Lab Rural landscape SDGs Sustainability


CETRAD (Centre for Transdisciplinary Development Studies) & CITAB (Centre for the Research and Technology of Agro-Environmental and Biological Sciences)


UTAD (University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro), URL:




About Service

This service consists of designing, testing, and implementing at a pilot scale an integrated assessment framework aiming at assessing socioeconomic benefits and socio-ecological trade-offs of sustainable and resilient agriculture and agrifood system combining data and subjective evaluation of stakeholders.

The framework will build stepwise interactively into five main steps.

1. Selecting indicators (resorting to participatory and deliberative tools or alike) to assess the state and monitor the performance respecting socioeconomic benefits and socioecological trade-offs of sustainability and resilience shaping different agro-ecological transitions;

2. Measuring, building on those indicators, data-based and subjective-evaluated short and long-term benefits and trade-offs (e.g., cost savings, eco-efficiency gains, long-term productivity gains, subjective satisfaction, community acknowledgment, premium in prices, health benefits, among others) for different groups (e.g., producers, processors, advisors, researchers, rural communities, farm workers, smart-tech developers, policy-makers, and others);

3. Diagnosing the current state of value chains or rural landscapes respecting those indicators and trade-offs;

4. Outline feasible and desirable transition paths for value chains or rural landscapes using socio-technical transition scenarios approach encompassing the multidimensionality of the transition, triggers, and drivers (e.g., agro-production systems, technology, regulation, policy incentives, markets, and consumers preferences, society pressures);

5. Identify bottlenecks and constraints hindering (perceived) benefits and accentuating trade-offs and how to overcome them by combining approaches such as policy incentives, regulations, and consumer and citizen awareness.

Specific informations

This service consists on developing an innovative framework build on inter- and transdisciplinary skills of UTAD team that will be tested and implemented on request (on-demand) to a specific value chain or rural landscape.

Its design can target specific challenges, such as Green Deal targets, labour shortages, or structural competitiveness disadvantages (mountainous areas).

The framework aims at assessing socioeconomic benefits and socioecological trade-offs of sustainable and resilient agriculture and agrifood system combining data and subjective evaluation of stakeholders.

Its feasibility (as a tool to support the outline of agroecological transitions at both regional and value chain level) will be tested in real-life contexts. Living Labs, KIS (Knowledge and innovation systems) networks and similar infrastructures will be helpful.

The Douro Socio-Ecological Living Lab led by the UTAD can host the test and pilot implementation of the framework when applied to Mediterranean value chains or landscapes alongside mountainous wine regions.


Scientific domain

  • Earth and Environmental Sciences
  • Social Sciences

Scientific SubDomain

  • Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries
  • Economics & Business
  • Other
  • Social & Economic Geography
Target Users :
Businesses, Innovators, Other, Policy Makers, Research Communities, Research Networks, Research Organisations, Research Projects, Researchers, Resource Managers, Students
Access Type :
Access Mode :
Free Conditionally

Lívia Madureira Senior researcher - UTAD (universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro), CETRAD (Centre for Transdisciplinary Development Studies), CITAB (Centre for the Research and Technology of Agro-Environmental and Biological Sciences)

+351 933456489
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