Service : Cognitive Mapping (measuring subjective judgments on socioecological trade-offs) Service : Cognitive Mapping (measuring subjective judgments on socioecological trade-offs)

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Electrical maintenance is scheduled by our supplier on Friday, May 24, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. ISIA will be offline during this period. Thank you for your understanding.
General Informations

Cognitive Mapping (measuring subjective judgments on socioecological trade-offs)

Building compromising understandings and visions about agroecology (or sustainability)
Agrifood value chain Agroecological transition Cognitive maps Multiple criteria desicion analysis (MCDA) Participatory deliberative approach Regional development Regional smart sustainable strategies (RIS3, RIS4) Rural communities Sustainability


CETRAD (Centre for Transdisciplinary Development Studies) & CITAB (Centre for the Research and Technology of Agro-Environmental and Biological Sciences)


UTAD (University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro), URL:




About Service

Cognitive maps aim at uncovering decision-makers perspectives and values underlying complex decision problems, such as adopting or deepening sustainability paths and agroecological transitions, entailing economic and socioecological trade-offs, including time trade-offs short vs. long-run.

Cognitive maps are provided here through group decision-making approach based on panels that can meet face-to-face or online. Collective mental maps can be drawn using available visualization tools. Cognitive maps can be complemented by the application of MCDA (Multi-criteria decision analysis), enabling the measurement of trade-offs mapped with the group mental maps.

Group cognitive maps are a participatory deliberative approach that entails participants (small groups from 5 to 12 persons) engaging in a set of 2 to 3 sessions to achieve compromise solutions to be reached.

In addition, as shown by the scientific evidence, cognitive maps can enlighten relevant omitted criteria in decision-making frameworks and facilitate the decision-makers understanding of cause-and-effect relationships between decisional factors (e.g., short-term costs vs. long-term benefits).

Cognitive maps can be used to build future scenarios and to co-create knowledge entailing subjective evaluations of relevant people.

Specific informations

The provision of this service is available in two options: 1) including group facilitation (available in English and Portuguese); 2) in the format of consultancy to a user (or group of users) that will be responsible for the implantation and facilitation of the group.

It can be applied to support collective decision-making or vision building for specific agrifood value chains or regions. The problem structuration is part of the tool that encompasses, for instance, the assessment of agroecology (or other sustainability approaches, such as regenerative farming) practices and strategies, the design of sustainability, or the agroecological transition roadmap.

The tool can be designed and implemented in the context of RI (research infrastructures), KICs (Knowledge Innovation Communities), Living Labs, or other collaborative environments. It can also support the design of collective regional smart sustainable strategies (RIS3 and RIS4).

It contributes to develop transdisciplinary research and interaction skills by discussing, reflecting and deliberating on their own views, identifying relevant consensus/dissensus and finding ways to converge to common understanding on the socioeconomic benefits and socioecological trade-offs of agro-ecological transition, including an operationalising of socioecological synergies and trade-offs between the concepts of sustainability and resilience in agriculture and agrifood.


Scientific domain

  • Earth and Environmental Sciences
  • Social Sciences

Scientific SubDomain

  • Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries
  • Data mining and Analysis (Methodological) Centres, including statistical analysis
  • Economics & Business
  • Social & Economic Geography
Target Users :
Businesses, Research Groups, Research Projects, Researchers, Resource Managers, Students
Access Type :
Mail-In, Virtual
Access Mode :
Free Conditionally

Lívia Madureira Senior researcher - UTAD (universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro), CETRAD (Centre for Transdisciplinary Development Studies)

+351 933456489
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