Service : ENEA Calliope - Gamma irradiation tests Service : ENEA Calliope - Gamma irradiation tests

Info !

Une maintenance électrique est prévue par notre fournisseur le vendredi 24 mai, de 9h00 à 16h00. ISIA sera hors-ligne durant cette période. Merci de votre compréhension.
Electrical maintenance is scheduled by our supplier on Friday, May 24, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. ISIA will be offline during this period. Thank you for your understanding.
General Informations

ENEA Calliope - Gamma irradiation tests

Gamma irradiation test and dosimetric measurements
crops dosimetric measurements environmental stress gamma irradiation genetic variability mutation breeding pest control post-harvest








About Service

Gamma irradiation tests in different conditions; accurate and tailor- made dosimetric measurements; dosimetric and irradiation certifications; characterization of gamma radiation induced modification. Among them: mutation breeding: gamma radiation induced mutation is used in a number of crops and species to generate broad spectrum of genetic variability, to increase the production of fruits and seeds, a better ability of plants to withstand environmental stresses (e.g. water deficit) and to increase the content of high nutritional values substances in the edible parts of the cultivated plants; food processing: irradiation used as post-harvest treatment to reduce bacterial contamination, destroying disease-causing bacteria and reducing the risk of food borne illnesses, slow spoilage, keep food longer, ensure a high level of safety and quality and reduce wastes; phytosanitary treatment (quarantine) as viable pest control method in fruits and vegetables; insect pest control: the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) is an environment-friendly method for the eradication of pests involving mass-rearing and pest males sterilization by gamma radiation, resulting in no offspring and a declining pest population

Specific informations


Scientific domain

  • Agricultural Sciences

Scientific SubDomain

  • Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries
  • Chemical Sciences
Target Users :
Businesses, Innovators, Research Groups, Research Networks, Research Organisations, Research Projects, Researchers, Students
Access Type :
Physical, Remote
Access Mode :

Alessia Cemmi -

+39 06 3048 3169
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