Service : Studies into climate change impacts in combination with other drivers and modulators, incl. biodiversity loss, eutrophication, etc. (Antwerp FATI) Service : Studies into climate change impacts in combination with other drivers and modulators, incl. biodiversity loss, eutrophication, etc. (Antwerp FATI)

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Electrical maintenance is scheduled by our supplier on Friday, May 24, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. ISIA will be offline during this period. Thank you for your understanding.
General Informations

Studies into climate change impacts in combination with other drivers and modulators, incl. biodiversity loss, eutrophication, etc. (Antwerp FATI)

Flexible research into climate change impacts
agriculture biodiversity climate change climate extremes crops drought eutrophication grassland heat waves precipitation changes



Research group Plants and Ecosystems, University of Antwerp



Antwerp FATI

About Service

In the Antwerp FATI, researchers can experimentally simulate the impact on ecosystems of future precipitation regimes, climate-warming and especially climate extremes such as intense droughts, flooding and heat waves (e.g. temperatures up to 10 °C above ambient). By using infrared heaters and automated rainout shelters in combination with programmable irrigation, the system can simulate such extreme events in the open air, in twelve 7 m² plots, under natural light and wind. Each plot can contain one large mesocosm unit, or many smaller ones in separate containers. in total, > 300 individual and independent experimental units can be maintained simultaneously. This approach allows for studies with (1) many treatment levels per experimental factor so that precise response curves can be made, rather than just comparing one treatment level with a control, (2) many replicates, (3) multiple interacting factors (for example, drought x heat x soil type x soil eutrophication), (4) multiple biodiversity levels, with varying species composition within each biodiversity level. This makes the FATI platform complementary to ecotrons, which are more limited in the number of experimental units (usually 12 domes or rooms) but which have more automated measurements.

Specific informations

The automated measurements provided by the FATI platform are: air micro-climate (air temperature, air relative humidity, incoming and outgoing radiation, wind speed, soil microclimate (soil temperature and volumetric soil water content), canopy temperature with fixed infrared camera's that can distinguish individual containers (useful for detecting heat stress). In addition, the PLECO research group has a wide range of devices for manual spot-measurements, including gas exchange and chorophyll fluorescence devices to assess plant stress. Regarding soil measurements, leachate can be collected in drainage water, and the large number of experimental objects typically allows for destructive soil sampling (soil cores). State-of-the-art measurement facilities for VOCs with dedicated specialists are also present (PTRMS-TOF), and chambers for greenhouse gas exchange with the atmosphere can be set up. The research group running the FATI platform has a staff of 60 people led by four professors, and can thus provide a wide range of expertise including plant stress ecophysiology, plant community ecology, ecosystem biogeochemistry, soil microbial ecology. The molecular lab within the group has facilities for metabarcoding of bacteria, fungi, and protists, and downstream bioinformatic processing; within the wider department collaboration is possible on plant or soil transcriptomics/metagenomics. The FATI platform is (or is among) the most advanced free-air warming facilities worldwide. It was developed from multiple earlier prototypes during 25 years of research on climate-warming simulation in free air conditions during which artefacts of the technique were successively assessed and removed. Both measuring and sampling in ongoing experiments and setting up novel experiments are possible.

The platform can be used for academic research, but can also be used by private users to, for example, test the influence of future climates on new crop variaties, seed mixtures, etc.


Scientific domain

  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Biological & Medical Sciences
  • Earth and Environmental Sciences
  • Microbiology
  • Natural Sciences

Scientific SubDomain

  • Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries
  • Agronomy,Forestry and Plant Breeding Centres
  • Biological Sciences
  • Earth & Related Environmental Sciences
  • Environmental Health Research Facilities
  • Environmental Management Infrastructures
  • Microbiology
  • Mycology
Target Users :
Businesses, Funders, Innovators, Other, Policy Makers
Access Type :
Physical, Remote
Access Mode :
Free Conditionally, Paid, Peer Reviewed

Hans De Boeck Senior scientist - University of Antwerp

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