Service : Plant ecophysiology service (PES) Service : Plant ecophysiology service (PES)

Info !

Une maintenance électrique est prévue par notre fournisseur le vendredi 24 mai, de 9h00 à 16h00. ISIA sera hors-ligne durant cette période. Merci de votre compréhension.
Electrical maintenance is scheduled by our supplier on Friday, May 24, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. ISIA will be offline during this period. Thank you for your understanding.
General Informations

Plant ecophysiology service (PES)

Agroecosystems Experimentation biomass and carbon allocation climate change environmental conditions plant ecophysiology roots soil temperature terrestrial ecosystems



Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)



Root Laboratory

About Service

The Root laboratory is a unique research facility at European scale. It consists of four large chambers with 6 root containers each, rendering 24 root containers in total. The special feature is that air and soil temperature and moisture conditions can be controlled independently from each other, and that the photoperiod and PAR conditions can be controlled as well. The annual cycle of plants can be accelerated, so that up to 2.5 growing seasons of boreal trees can be conducted in one calendar year. Environmental conditions and root and shoot responses can be monitored continuously and/or at intervals. This allows detailed studies on the dynamics of root and shoot responses, carbon sequestration and its allocation between organs, and the resistance and resilience of plants in response to changing environmental factors. The infrastructure is designed for detailed plant experiments under controlled conditions. Since above- and belowground conditions can be controlled independently from each other, the research facility allows studying mechanisms connected with responses of root and shoot growth, allocation patterns and carbon sequestration to changing environmental factors.

Specific informations

The root laboratory is a platform for studying the effects of environmental conditions on above- and belowground plant processes under controlled conditions, especially in the context of climate change. The Experiments conducted in the Joensuu dasotrons are connected to the physiology, anatomy, morphology, phenology and growth of roots and aboveground parts. In a broader context, the general framework of studies in the Joensuu root laboratory are linked to plant acclimatisation and adaptation to varying and changing weather and climate conditions, effects of environmental conditions on plant growth and production, and carbon and nutrient cycles of trees and forests. The special feature of the facility is that air and soil temperatures can be controlled independently from each other (soil temperature below 0 degrees), and that the annual plant cycle can be accelerated. This allows a faster realisation of experiments, that specifically aim at assessing plant mechanisms, and how they are affected by environmental conditions. One advantage of the facility is that all kind of plants can be studied, like cereals, pasture plants, perennials or tree seedlings and saplings. The root research team at Luke Joensuu has long experience of conducting experiments, and the facility has been used for extensive studies into the effects of extreme conditions on boreal forest tree seedlings, e.g. low soil temperature, soil frost conditions, waterlogging during the dormancy or growing season, or soil drought conditions. These will have an increased importance with climate change, and in this respect the Joensuu dasotrons offer a valuable research facility.


Scientific domain

  • Natural Sciences
  • Other

Scientific SubDomain

  • Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries
  • Biological Sciences
Target Users :
Businesses, Research Communities, Research Groups, Research Organisations, Research Projects
Access Type :
Access Mode :

Timo Domisch Research Scientist - Natural Resources Institute Finland

+358 295325367
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